Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Trinity, Newtown is doing

Sue Vogelman, minister of children and youth education at Trinity, has been on-board with our relief efforts in Haiti on behalf of École le Bon Samaritain since the get-go. Today she summarized for me what the parish is doing. I am so impressed and deeply grateful.

"Church School children are doing a coin collection during Lent using an activity calendar based on the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and Haiti. That should raise about $600. The kids raised that much last year for Pennies for Peace, so I have high hopes for this year

"At our Coffeehouse gathering on February 27th (7.30-9.30 p.m.), we’ll do a collection after a brief presentation by Danelie Millien's family or you (if you come). No idea how much that should raise but I figure there will be 100 people there. We’ve got some great talent so it will be fun at the very least. I’m going to pull some photos off of your blog to show before the collection.

"Our MDG Sunday will be on May 2nd and we hope to have someone come to speak to us from EBS. That day, our choir will sponsor a formal concert as a fundraiser for Haiti/Katrina Relief. Our church supports a parish in Mississippi and we still go on mission trips there to keep rebuilding. We’ll split the proceeds for that between the two groups.

"I’m hoping that the Church School kids and the Coffeehouse combined will clear at least $1,000 and that could indeed cover the lunch program, but I can’t guarantee that yet."

Thank you Sue, children and youth, and parishioners of Trinity for caring so much.

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