(update Thursday, 1.14.10 - 10.30 p.m.)
Old St. Andrew's has been asked to coordinate relief efforts associated with École le Bon Samaritain. If you or your organization or Church would like to help, please send us an email by clicking here. Or, feel free to call Puck Purnell at 860.508.1898.
We are developing our plans with three distinct goals.
1. Provide immediate medical relief and support to the community by setting up a clinic at EBS.
2. Assess the damage to the School; make the necessary repairs.
3. Recover our students and reopen the School.
Jean-Elie Millien and Luc Louisgene will go to Haiti next week to set up a clinic and make an initial assessment of the situation and the School building. Sometime in the coming few weeks we will send a small team of construction people to develop specific plans for repairing the damage. Following their visit, larger teams of workers with designated team leaders will be sent for 4-5 days to work at the School. Once the post-earthquake neighborhood crisis has abated and the building is adequately repaired, a decision will be made about reopening the School for the children.
Opportunities to assist.
1. Volunteer to travel to Haiti and serve on one of the work teams (builders, cleaners, cooks, painters, medical workers).
2. If you have significant construction/building skills, volunteer to make the assessment trip or be a Team Leader.
3. Donate Frequent Flier Miles or American Express Points to pay for the air fare of the volunteers.
4. Donate money. All funds given to this effort will go directly to the needed projects. There will be NO administrative overhead. Volunteers will arrange for or pay for their own expenses.
We do not know how much money we need, when we will make our work trips, or how long this relief and rebuilding effort will take. We do know that we are called to respond with compassion in every way possible. "Just as you do it to the least of these, you do it to me."
Please, act now. Old St. Andrew's has started the Good Samaritan Rebuilding Fund. Tax exempt donations may be sent to the address below. Please put Haiti or EBS on the memo line.
Old St. Andrew's Church
59 Tariffville Rd.
Bloomfield, CT 06002
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