Ginny Fox, who works for Congressman Jim Himes, sent terrific news the other day. Thank you Congreessman Himes.
Perhaps you remember that Minouche Gilles traveled to Haiti with Team 1 to bring her newly adopted daughter back to Connecticut. With Congressman Himes' help, Minouche and Angela got expedited treatment and returned home. However, Minouche's sister, Martine Volcius, who had jumped from a balcony while holding little Angela after the quake, had severely broken her leg. The leg was later amputated. Congressman Himes' assistance now permits Martine to receive rehabilitation at Stamford Hospital. The partnership between so many people and groups continues to speak to the awesome response of our friends in Connecticut and elsewhere.
This from Ginny Fox: "Minouche Gilles sister, Martine Volcius was approved today by the Department of Homeland Security to travel to Stamford, CT for rehabilitation.
"I wanted to let all of you know the good news. Minouche and her mother will be traveling to Port-au-Prince on Friday to take her sister to the American Embassy to receive her humanitarian medical visa.
"Also, I would personally like to thank all of you for your advice, direction and medical letters written in support of Martine Volcius petition to receive medical care at Stamford Hospital under the supervision of Dr. Edwin F. Richter, III. "I will keep you informed as to her arrival date, I think it will be in less than one week.
"Again, many thanks. Each of you played an important role in making this happen so quickly. Minouche is speechless. Meanwhile, her little adopted daughter, Angela (saved by her sister, Martine), is thriving in her new environment."
Best regards,
Constituent Service Representative
888 Washington Blvd, 10th Floor
Stamford, CT 06901-2902
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