Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Metropolitan Learning Center Global Ideas Festival

The 3rd annual MLC Global Ideas Festival is coming May 7-14th. The events will take place throughout the school--in the hallways, classrooms, the library (when no AP exams are scheduled), in the cafeteria and the auditorium. There will be student artwork, photography from those who have recently been to Haiti, a poetry slam, musical performances (the Show Choir and a battle of the bands), speakers, workshops, films and exhibits. 

Please check the website at and the poster below for details. Plan to participate. All funds will go to the Good Samaritan Rebuilding Fund.
Trinity, Newtown--Benefit Concert for Haiti

Trinity Episcopal Church in Newtown will hold a Benefit Concert for Haiti featuring the CCSU University Singers Sunday, May 2nd at 4 p.m.

The University Singers of Central Connecticut State University, will be in concert at Trinity Church, 36 Main Street, Newtown, CT on Sunday, May 2nd at 4:00 p.m. to raise money for Haiti relief.

The University Singers, an auditioned chamber ensemble, is a healthy mix of music majors and other majors from throughout the university. The repertoire is purposefully varied to include chamber music from all periods of music history, as well as traditional folk music and vocal jazz. The group has given concert tours in Germany, Puerto Rico, Hungary and France, and in March, 2009 they gave a concert tour in China.

The concert repertoire will include madrigals and motets by Weelkes, Schütz, and di Lasso and will sing J.S. Bach’s BWV 229, Motet #5, Komm, Jesu, Komm. In addition, the ensemble will perform works by American composers including Reincarnations by Samuel Barber. On a lighter side, there will be vocal jazz arrangements of music by Gershwin, Lennon and McCartney, and other spirituals and novelty songs.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Love + Haiti = Brooklyn Fundraiser

Please come to Love + Haiti on Sunday, May 9th, at 7 p.m. This fundraiser is organized by Team 3 member Vic Tolentino's nieces & nephew. Check out this great website: ( in support of a youth enrichment camp in Haiti run by United Initiatives for Peace at

The event will be held at the Galapagos Art Space, 16 Main St, DUMBO, Brooklyn, NY. To learn more, go to:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Martine Volcimus arrives in Stamford

This just came in an email from Ginny Fox, assistant to Congressman Jim Himes: "Martine Volcimus arrived late Saturday night from Port-au-Prince.    Accompanied by her mother and her sister, Minouche, Martine went directly to Stamford Hospital from the airport.

"I did go to see her when she arrived, and she is so thankful to all of you who helped in the process of allowing her to have rehabilitation in Stamford. She is very happy to be in Stamford; she had never been outside of Haiti.     

"Will keep you updated. Thank you again for all of your help. Minouche is so happy to have Martine here." Best regards,  Ginny

Martine had her leg amputated after the earthquake when she jumped from a building holding her sister Minouche's adopted daughter. Minouche traveled to Haiti with Team 1 and brought her daughter home but Martine could not come. Dr. David Reed and others at Stamford Hospital made it possible for Martine to receive rehab treatment at the hospital and Congressman Jim Himes pressed the State Department to grant Martine a Visa. This is excellent. A huge thanks to Congressman Himes and his staff and to the folks who will be caring for Martine.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Back to the Blog - Lots of News

Now that the immediate emergency relief effort is over, I find myself working at my day job--Rector at Old St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Bloomfield. That's not to say there isn't plenty going on or that I'm not still deeply involved in the Good Samaritan Rebuilding project. It's just that maintaining the blog is time consuming and challenging. Sometimes it feels like feeding a hungry child. So, here's the overview.

École le Bon Samaritain has reopened with two classes--5th & 6th grades. They are meeting in the large tent provided by the Stamford Police Department. We would very, VERY much like to get two or three more of these tents so we can use them for more classrooms. If you know of any or can help purchase one or two, please let me know.

We have located more space on which to put additional classes. Temporarily, those children will be shaded by lean-tos & tarps. I'm sure you can understand why it would be best to have more of these large tents. I might also add, that the large tents can be taken down when a hurricane approaches and reconstructed after it passes by.

There has been a lot of discussion about what to do with the old school--repair or raze? The decision to demolish the building was finally made yesterday. It was difficult because of the history of the building. Remember, it was Jean-Elie and Mona's home for many years, their children were raised there, and it served as the School for 13 years. 

Jean-Elie came back to Connecticut on Friday morning to get some rest, but also to attend the ordination and consecration of Connecticut's new Bishop, Ian Douglas. That celebration occurred on Saturday, April 17th, at Trinity College's hockey arena which had been transformed into a most wonderful and holy space. 

Jean-Elie and I gathered with other clergy in a crowded hallway by the locker rooms. As we waited, we realized that we were pretty much at the very tail-end of the procession. I remarked to Elie, "Remember what Jesus said, 'The last will be first and the first will be last.'" We both laughed and waited, waited and waited some more. Then, much to our surprise, the procession began and, you guessed it, it turns out we were at the very front. Our seats weren't any better (in comfort or ability to see) but we did have another good laugh.

The service was magnificent in every respect. And yet, I must say that the opportunity to hear Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa preach is an extraordinary experience. In addition, our new bishop con-celebrated the Holy Eucharist with the two suffragan bishops of Connecticut and when Bishop Douglas spoke it was in Haitian kreyol. Ian is a fluent kreyol speaker and deeply committed to Haiti, where he lived for several years.

On Sunday morning, Jean-Elie preached & celebrated the Holy Eucharist at Old St. Andrew's. He is loved and always well received at OSA. The last time he was with us was the Sunday following the earthquake and right before he lead our Team 1 to Carrefour to set up the clinic. In his sermon Sunday, Jean-Elie stressed that, although only a few people actually traveled to Carrefour, everybody who helped went too. And likewise, he said that the people who were aided by our efforts are a part of our parish family even though they live far away. This spirit of One-ness is at the very heart of what the Good Samaritan Rebuilding Fund is all about.

An Episcopal Church Women's (ECW) bake sale had been long planned for after last Sunday's service. That Jean-Elie was there was an added surprise and bonus. Almost everything was sold out (including 4 pecan pies made by Russ St. John who traveled with me to Haiti in 2008). The total was $378. ECW chairwoman Shirley Greiman presented the cash to Jean-Elie for him to buy school supplies. Every gift, small or large, matters so much. Thank you OSA ECW!!! 

Attending worship at OSA on Sunday was Carolyn Lang and her husband Mike Lally. Carolyn was on Team 3 and she shared Team Coordinator with Lauren Lyons. Besides all Carolyn did while in Haiti, she has been driven since to provide the entire nation of Haiti with condoms...well maybe only the Waney neighborhood of Carrefour. The bounty of her efforts--8,500 condoms--were loaded into my Subaru after church for me to take to St. John's in Stamford for eventual shipment to the clinic. That makes a total of 11,500 condoms sent to Carrefour! Carolyn writes, "God is so good and his love continues to drive me forward to help our school and the Waney neighborhood." Special thanks to Carolyn and her daughter for collecting these.

On Sunday, also, a meeting was held at St. John's in Stamford by The Rev'd Lauren Stanley, missioner to the diocese of Haiti. The meeting was really well attended and filled with good information and questions. Mère Lauren, as she likes to be known, is the point person for Episcopal Relief and Development funds going to Haiti. She's the person who matches parishes with Haitian projects--churches, clinics, music education, schools, etc. It was good to have Mère Lauren explain some of the situation on the ground in Haiti now and especially with regards to what the Episcopal Church is doing.

One more thing. Trinity Episcopal Church, Newtown, and their Youth Coordinator, Sue Vogelman, are at it again. This time they have planned a children's variety show at the Blue Z Coffee House, 5 - 6.30 p.m. on Friday, April 30th as a fund raiser. This children helping other children theme strikes the right chord. If you can go to support these kids, please do. Thanks Trinity & thanks Sue.

So, there you have it. A lot is happening. A lot needs to happen moving forward. 

More pictures below
Please remember that we need large tents.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Good Samaritan Rebuilding Fund receives $550 from concert

The Nutmeg Symphonic Pops Orchestra concert at Yale's Battell Chapel raised about $500 for the benefit of our rebuilding fund. We are very grateful to Dr. Dino Ciaburri, the sponsors of the concert, and all those who attends and gave so generously. 

Old St. Andrew's Music Director and soloist, Liz Miller.

Yale's Battell Chapel
with the Nutmeg Symphonic Pops Orchestra

Puck Purnell, Liz Miller, Dr. Ciaburri

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nutmeg Symphonic Pops Orchestra Haiti Fund Raiser April 11 at Yale University's Battell Chapel - 3 p.m.

The Nutmeg Symphonic Pops Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. Dino Ciaburri, the concert will include Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 featuring pianist David Hollander. Also scheduled to perform are soprano Lisabeth Miller, tenor Joseph Stango, and the Gateway Choral.

Generous support for this concert has been given by Derek Simpson Goldsmith, Subway International, and Quinnipiac University, enabling all proceeds from the concert to be directed towards Haiti relief.

Funds will be donated to the Catholic Relief Fund and to Old St. Andrew's Episcopal Church of Bloomfield's Good Samaritain Rebuilding Fund. Old St Andrew's Episcopal Church has a long-standing commitment to Haiti through its relationship with École le Bon Samaritain in Carrefour. The suggested donation at the door is $10 and your extended generosity will be greatly appreciated.

Help Re-Build Haiti Concert
3 p.m., Sunday, April 11, 2010
Battell Chapel
Yale University
300 College Street
New Haven, CT

The Nutmeg Symphonic Pops Orchestra is the Orchestra in Residence at Gateway Community College and, with the Gateway Chorale, regularly performs free concerts for the college and surrounding Greater New Haven community. The NSPO operates under non-profit Four Haven Music society, with goals to provide opportunities for musicians from all walks of life and ages to enjoy the experience of making music together, and to provide fundraising services for various worthy causes. Past fundraising efforts by the orchestra has included giving concerts to raise money for victims of 9-11 and Hurricane Katrina.

École le Bon Samaritain Reopens in Tent

Jean-Elie Millien called last evening and he told me the school has reopened in the tent provided by the Stamford Police Department in the courtyard behind the damaged school building. Classes are being held only for 5th & 6th graders right now.

Another piece of property has been made available to EBS as well. Arrangements are being made to clear the rubble from the site with the expectation that we will set up several more tents to be used as classrooms there. Once that site is ready, 3rd & 4th graders will be welcomed back.

Save the Children has been extremely helpful lately and EBS is now a school associate with that organization. They have made two generous donations of milk for the students.

The clinic continues to serve a limited number of people--69 yesterday--using local medical staff. Jean-Elie is still in Haiti, although he plans to return to the States on April 15 and to attend the consecration of Connecticut's 15th Bishop, The Rev'd Dr. Ian Douglas, on April 17th. I have invited Jean-Elie to celebrate and preach at Old St. Andrew's on Sunday, April 18th. All are welcome to attend (10 o'clock).
My apologies: I have been sick as a dog for the past eight days, and I'm still not at full speed. I didn't even have the juice to post a Happy Easter message. Sorry. I plan to take the rest of the week off with the hope I'll come back strong on Sunday. Thanks for your understanding. 

Friday, April 2, 2010

New York Times article explains plans to rebuild Haiti

An article on Tuesday, March 30, in the New York Times by Nicolai Ouroussoff gives an excellent account of the inner workings of a Haitian planning group and their concept of how to rebuild Haiti. It also gives good background information about Haiti. 

Fairfield Sun - Front Page Article

Marc Andre is an architect from Fairfield and connected to our friends the United Haitian-American Society. He and his colleagues on the architecture and engineering committee of UHAS for rebuilding Haiti, sent engineer Eric Heininger with Team 5 to assess the damage to Sainte Croix (Holy Cross) Hôpitale in Léogâne. Two weeks ago, I represented the Good Samaritan Rebuilding Fund at a meeting to discuss how best to move forward with rebuilding plans at the hospital and at École le Bon Samaritain. The Fairfield Sun article gives an in depth report of Marc's work and the impact of the quake. Please follow the above link to read the article. 

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Donated Dentist Equipment

Several weeks ago, we learned from Jens Haerter (Dr. Patty Jorquera's husband) of a retired dentist who still had all of his equipment. Gus Schlegel was interested because the Good Samaritan clinic in L'Acul, 17 kilometers north of Gros Morne could use it. Gus writes to Jens,
View Larger Map

"We have a building, two doctors, a nurse, and an administrator who run the clinic once weekly. When we were there, we noted that many of the local inhabitants were lacking dental care. It has been our wish to bring a dentist there once weekly."

Gus and the others associated with their clinic now have a dentist lined up who is willing to travel to L'Acul once a week to offer dental care to the community. Gus has even worked out the transportation for the dentist. This is the kind of on-the-ground coordination that our effort has had all along.

So, Jens responded to Gus' recent inquiry about the equipment. The equipment, from 2 full dentals suites (that he had adjoined to his house for 40 years), "includes chair set ups/drill/light/sink combos, each with an x-ray machine. It is not the most modern equipment in the world, but this dentist tells me that it is old school tough, more rugged and longer lasting than the new stuff, and it comes with spare parts to last for the next several predicted end of the world events. There are also cartloads of dental instruments and supplies."

It seems that Jens plan is to send one suite to L'Acul and hold the other for the clinic in Carrefour. Thank you Jens & Gus and a huge thanks to the generous dentist who has made this gift possible.
Ribert Pierre & Jackson emails

Ribert Pierre, a friend of Amy Arutt, has been in touch via email. Although his circumstances haven't changed since leaving his translators' job at our clinic, he is coping. He writes,

"Merci pour vos prieres parce qu'on notre pays(Haiti) en a besoin." (Thank you for your prayers because our country needs it.)
I also received a nice email from Michel Yves Jackson last week. "i miss you a lot , some time i felt you near by me. May God be and still with you and your family."  

The friends we all made during our time in Carrefour at the clinic will be remembered forever. I continue to hold each and every child and teacher, translator and nurse, volunteer and donor in a heart filled with thanksgiving.
Congressman Himes secures rehab for Martine Volcius

Ginny Fox, who works for Congressman Jim Himes, sent terrific news the other day. Thank you Congreessman Himes.

Perhaps you remember that Minouche Gilles traveled to Haiti with Team 1 to bring her newly adopted daughter back to Connecticut. With Congressman Himes' help, Minouche and Angela got expedited treatment and returned home. However, Minouche's sister, Martine Volcius, who had jumped from a balcony while holding little Angela after the quake, had severely broken her leg. The leg was later amputated. Congressman Himes' assistance now permits Martine to receive rehabilitation at Stamford Hospital. The partnership between so many people and groups continues to speak to the awesome response of our friends in Connecticut and elsewhere.

This from Ginny Fox: "Minouche Gilles sister, Martine Volcius was approved today by the Department of Homeland Security to travel to Stamford, CT for rehabilitation.

"I wanted to let all of you know the good news.  Minouche and her mother will be traveling to Port-au-Prince on Friday to take her sister to the American Embassy to receive her humanitarian medical visa.  

"Also, I would personally like to thank all of you for your advice, direction and medical letters written in support of Martine Volcius petition to receive medical care at Stamford Hospital under the supervision of Dr. Edwin F. Richter, III. "I will keep you informed as to her arrival date, I think it will be in less than one week. 

"Again, many thanks. Each of you played an important role in making this happen so quickly. Minouche is speechless. Meanwhile, her little adopted daughter, Angela (saved by her sister, Martine), is thriving in her new environment."

Best  regards,
Ginny Fox
Constituent Service Representative
Congressman Jim Himes, CT-04
888 Washington Blvd, 10th Floor
Stamford, CT 06901-2902