Victoria College Belfast, Northern Ireland
Never a day a day goes by without a surprise. Today's is very pleasant. Sheelagh Schlegel, our supplies & logistics coordinator Gus Schlegel's wife, has a cousin who teaches at Victoria College Belfast, a school for 870 girls, in Northern Ireland. Janis McKnight had heard about the Good Samaritan Rebuilding Fund and that Sheelagh was involved.
Janis spoke about École le Bon Samaritain in Carrefour, the emergency medical effort, and our on-going work to rebuild the school. Dr D Barr, Deputy Head, writes, "Some of our older students made an appeal in Assembly after hearing about your situation and, as a result, we are able to donate £1170.50 to your school funds." Their extremely generous cheque was enclosed. Considering the current exchange rate, their donation totals $1,750.02.
Thank you Janis McKnight and the young women of Victoria College Belfast from the children and teachers of École le Bon Samaritain, Carrefour, Haiti.
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