Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rick Feldman's PS 211 supplies arrive

Librarian Rick Feldman continues to beat the drum for the children at École le Bon Samaritain. Young Kiki is one of our children and here he is with some of what was sent by Rick's kids. "Merci mes amis," says Kiki. 

Beneath is both Kiki & his twin sister, Kayrahah. 

The sign reads, "Thank you for the school supplies." 

1 comment:

  1. I went to visit a class in our school this afternoon. Ms. Maldonado and her students were talking about a boy named Kiki....I was wondering, "who is this Kiki?" THen they showed me athe blog with Kiki's picture. Wow. What a thrill to see that heart he was holding in his teeth.....I ran out to get Ms. Smith, our first grade teacher to show her the heart that her student had sent......This project reminds us that we are each a little link in a chain of helping. Thank you for all your efforts.
    Rick Feldman
