Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Clinic Planning Group

Dr. David Reed is putting together a permanent clinic planning group consisting of Dr. Patty Jorquera (Team 2 pediatrician), Ann Giuli (Stamford Hospital nurse), Reine Boyer (United Haitian American Society), Pam Koprowski (Stamford Hospital), Joanne Kimball (Healthcare communications expert), Gus Schlegel (Supply & Logistics Coordinator), Danelie Millien (Ambassador-at-Large), and myself.

This morning Patty sent a very insightful email to us all explaining her concept. Patty and her husband started a clinic in Ecuador and their experience is invaluable. Consider this excerpt from Patty's email:

"When École le Bon Samaritain is rebuilt, a small clinic, just two rooms, could be included in the design. Most of the time, this clinic could be staffed by a Haitian nurse who, ideally, should also speak English. It would also be ideal to pay for a local pediatrician to go to the clinic for more complicated cases every other week, or once a month even. 

"The wellness clinic would provide education to parents and teachers on: birth control, prevention of spread of infections such as diarrhea, sexually transmitted disease, breast feeding benefits, boiling drinking water, and numerous other topics.

"The nurse can also diagnose and treat common conditions (even Jackson was able to diagnose after translating for us for a while) such as intestinal parasites, diarrhea, dehydration, anemia, scabies, infected insect bites, asthma, urinary tract infections, etc.

"As a Pediatrician, I would commit to going to this clinic once or twice a year to perform physical exams, screen for anemia, scoliosis, problems with vision and hearing, treat for parasites, and administer immunizations which will be donated by the CDC and/or AAP. For those children to get a yearly physical and immunizations is much better than what they have now."

So, we're already underway with the next phase. Your continued support and compassion for the children of Carrefour is vital. Please, please don't forget. Stay involved. Consider making regular contributions to our efforts. We will need a significant amount of money to rebuild the school, establish the clinic, and manage both.

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