(update Wednesday, January 27 - 3:40 p.m.)
Coulette Lioce has handed over management of Team Andrew 2 to Jim Doucette. The Team gathers at St. John's, Stamford this afternoon. Unfortunately, Pam Kiwanuka woke up this morning with strep so she is unable to make this trip. She's in the queque for Team 3. Please hold our people in your hearts as they travel. (Jim and his wife, Donna)
Contributions continue to arrive at Old St. Andrew's. To date, we have received about $52,000, excluding another foundation gift of $5,000 we expect in the next few days. Some of that will arrive in Carrefour tomorrow afternoon in the form of medical supplies, diapers, PJs, food, and gasoline.
We are being asked about how to adopt Haitian babies. We cannot and should not be involved in adoptions, although we certainly support those people who are willing to proceed with an adoption. Here is what I've told several people: "The best we can do is suggest that they Google “adopt Haitian baby” and the agencies that are already in that game will pop up. They should call those agencies and work with professionals in the field."
Your Team of Coordinators was joined today by Dennis Desrochers. He will serve as Finance Coordinator. He has already set up an accounting program though Old St. Andrew's on PowerChurch. This will give us and you a clear picture of who has made contributions and what the disbursements to École le Bon Samaritain have been. In addition, we initiated with Team 1 a Journal to be kept in Haiti for expenses there. Jim Doucette will pick up that responsibility as On Ground Coordinator when he arrives.
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