Thursday, March 11, 2010

One day follows the next in Carrefour

Yesterday, Haitian nurse, Katiana, served 81 patients with Stephanie Tillman as support. Eric Heininger & Pete Desmarais worked the pharmacy. 

A young boy arrived early in the day with a cut that needed stitches. Stephanie cleaned his wound, applied a dressing, and sent him to the hospital for stitches. Later another boy, who had an infected bite on his shin and ankle came in. His foot was numb. He was also sent to the hospital with assistance from Luc and Mona.  

Most of the other patients were treated for skin infections, stomach pain and acid reflux. Marleine Salomon did double duty as triage and translator. Greg Wentworth has taken on filling clean water bottles for our own use using water from our purification system. Since we ran out of bottled water, the volunteers have been making our own drinking this water for more than a week with no ill effects from anyone. We have also distributed over 155 bottles of our home-made pedialyte to the patients.

Dave Desmarais says that construction on the new shed at the school continues. The stone footings are nearly complete. Laying of the cement blocks should begin today. A window and door salvaged from the school building will be used for the new building. 

Team 5 has been terrific. Thanks so much to them and all of our on-site volunteers for taking the time to travel to Haiti. They, of course, have been backed up by hundreds here in the States who have given supplies, time, and money. 

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